
God’s Mandate / OurVision: Bringing Muslims to Christ

But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone tell them without being sent?
Romans 10:14,15 MSG

What is happening in the Middle East?

Jesus is appearing to entire villages. Young people are crying out for change. Members of the Royal Saudi family have come to the Lord. Muslims are being drawn to Christ by the love shown to them by Christians. Thousands of Muslims are converting to Christ.

God has commissioned us to go “into the regions beyond.” He has told us to reach the unreached. Last year Brian ministered in six Islamic nations: Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (UAB), witnessing several thousand decisions for Christ.

More Muslim nations are calling us to come. We don’t lack opportunities. In some places, we have government clearance. Our greatest need is partners who will join us.

Would you consider partnering with us? Will you help us reach Souls?

Current Projects

If you feel called to give to a specific project that we are working on then please do so below.


Muslim and Hindu Outreaches

Preaching the Gospel, conducting village outreaches and home gatherings for the purpose of bringing more souls to Jesus Christ.

Feed Widows and Orphans

In Muslim culture, widows are shamed and abandoned. We partner with the Cubit Foundation to provide bags of Hope to Widows and orphans monthly. Each bag costs $25 per month

Help Persecuted Believers

Whenever we see a need we try to meet that need. We support displaced refugees, persecuted believers and sow into new church plants.

Ministers Training Center

One of our primary vision's is to establish Bible Training Centers in the Middle East to train leaders to go into the Harvest Fields.

General Support

To help wherever needed so the Gospel can continue to go forward.

Thank you for partnering with Healing For The Nations. Your investment in the Kingdom will enable us to touch more lives and impact more nations of the world. All donations are tax-deductible. Healing For The Nations is a 501©3 organization.

Completed Projects:  Muslim Harvest

Thank you to our partners who have enabled us to complete these projects.
  • Books translated into Indonesia, Urdu (Pakistan) and Farei (Iran)
  • Antioch Church Building in Turkey
  • Providing Humanitarian Aid to Displaced Syrians and Iraqi Refugees
  • Support of New Church Planiting in Pakistan, Egypt and Afghanistan.
  • Pakistan Crusades
  • Village Outreaches Throughout Middle East
  • Jordan Missions
  • Egypt Evangelistic Meetings and Monthly Project: Feed Widows and Orphans (Bags of Hope in Partnership with Cubit Foundation)